
31 March 2014

A health paintig micro-project will be implemented in May or June in Nyírbátor. Another two local roundtable were held in Porcsalma. A toilets-construction micro project will be at the begining of summer. Basic hygiene...

10 April 2014

Twelve teachers from 4 communities in 2 counties, gathered in Budila, Brasov county, at the 3rd and last training of 2014 on Hopscotch Two educational module.  The training focused on health and basic hygiene, and continued the discussions on the  developmental...

27 March 2014

For three hours, 21 teachers from Dolj county discussed the developmental particularities of the two year old and shared best practices in helping parents to enhance their children's natural learning ability. This was the second workshop on Hopscotch Two module, after...
