ACEC Trains Thirty-Eight for Nationwide Program and Earns Continued Support
27 Jun 2013
The initial class of health assistants and coordinators has completed the first block of ACEC Nationwide Program educational training that was designed to qualify and prepare them to implement health outreach and assistance activities. These 38 trainees will be able to work in communities immediately. Based on ACEC’s successful training, the Platform to Promote the Health of Disadvantaged Groups and the Emergency Medical Service Operational Centre committed to a long-term partnership with Nationwide Program to continue training of the health assistants and coordinators.
The Nationwide Program training was held on 22-27 Jun as an accredited Slovak Ministry of Education course entitled, “Healthcare education assistants in Roma communities”. The course had 76 hours of theory and 12 hours of practical application across three inter-connected training modules.
The training modules included basic communication skills for working with the Roma community, the role of health education assistants, human biology basics, epidemiology basics, care for pregnant women and newborns, specialized social counseling on health, and first aid training from the Emergency Medical Service Operational Centre.