Roma Spirit - for the sixth time in Slovakia

For the sixth time the project Roma Spirit will appreciate the active efforts of all who help improve the situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic. Association for Culture, Education and Communication and the Ministry of the Interior - Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma communities announced the 6th annual Spirit Roma on 22nd of August 2014.

The goal is to continue with presenting and valuing individuals and organizations for projects and activities implemented in favor of the Roma ethnic group for this year.

This year has been unique.

Gypsy Spirit name was changed to Roma Spirit. This change was proposed by the author of the project idea Ľubomíra Slušná - Franz, president of Assocation for Culture, Education and Communication, such as memory and expressing deep respect Dr. John Cibuľa, significant fighter for the rights of Roma, co-founder of the International Romani Union, which in 1971 gained a status as an observer at the UN legitimizing the existence of the Roma nation International Community. New design of logo in a modern style represents symbols.  

Burning fire as a symbol of passion, wings representing freedom and hearts as a symbol of love.

For more information see our website, give like the Facebook page "Roma Spirit" or contact us at the email